When Should I Call An Exterminator

When Should I Call An Exterminator?

You may only be having a few roaches or ants or have seen a small mouse here and there. In the world of DIY, your first instinct will be to find a way you can get rid of these pests. However, if things backfire, you might be dealing with an outbreak. To prevent this from happening, you need to know when you should call an exterminator. Here are signs you should hand over to a professional.

  • If you find that you are putting yourself and others in harm’s way, you should get a professional. Dealing with wasp nests and bee hives can be dangerous especially if you or someone else is allergic to the stings. An exterminator will know how to safely get rid of the bees and wasps without anyone getting hurt.
  • If you have been dealing with recurring infestations, the chances are that you never eliminated the pests permanently and they will keep coming back unless you seek professional help. If you get bedbug infestations, you should contact a professional since they are the only ones who will treat your home and make it bedbug free for good.
  • If you fear certain pests like mice and rats and you see one in your home, contact an exterminator immediately to get rid of them before they multiply. Rodents reproduce quickly, and if you do not take care, you could have a full-blown infestation in your hands. A professional exterminator will get rid of the rodents and other pests, find the source of the infestation and seal vulnerable areas, so they do not come back.
  • If you have children or pets, you need to be careful concerning the type of chemicals you bring home as unwanted accidents can happen at any time. You might also want to bring an exterminator into the picture if you are not sure about the chemicals you should use or their quantities. You should contact exterminators who are trained on how to eliminate pests and keep you and your family safe.

Pests can pose a challenge that only a professional exterminator cab handle. It is advisable to seek one before the pests cause extensive damage to your property.

If you’re a victim of a pest infestation and need a pest control company, the team at MTB Pest Control can help. We are the leading bee, ant, cockroach, and bed bug pest control experts.

Tips For Pest Control in The Winter

Once the cold winter hits, you may think you’re safe from the creepy crawlers. In the summer, bees and mosquitoes can become a nuisance but in the winter, cockroaches and spiders may become your next guests. The National Pest Management… Read More…

The Dangers Of Ticks During Fall

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How To Keep Bed Bugs From Coming Home With You

Hardier than cockroaches, bed bugs can survive for months without feeding on blood and live through the most extreme temperatures. In fact, bed bugs are know to survive in temperatures over 125 degrees Fahrenheit! They’re also smart,… Read More…

Tips For Keeping Pests Out Of Your Pantry

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5 Tips to Keeping The Ants Out Of Your Home

Ants are persistent little buggers, so once they visit your home, they won’t leave willingly. The question is, do you want to battle the ants on your own, or will you call in a professional to rid your house of ants? Let’s look at your… Read More…

5 Pest Control Myths Busted

You would often come across quite a few DIY solutions that promise to control pests without the help of specialists, which you can do yourself. However, there are a few things that you should know before you work on pest control. These are pure… Read More…

When Should I Call An Exterminator?

You may only be having a few roaches or ants or have seen a small mouse here and there. In the world of DIY, your first instinct will be to find a way you can get rid of these pests. However, if things backfire, you might be dealing with an… Read More…

I Have a Rodent in My Home-Is It a Mouse or Rat?

The first sign that most people notice when they have rodents in their house is by the droppings the rodents leave behind in the kitchen and other areas where they foraging for food or a place to nest. If you have rodents, you will need to determine… Read More…

How to Prevent a Bed Bug Infestation

Bed bugs multiply fast and infest even the cleanest dwellings, not just cluttered or dirty areas. Beds, clothing, furniture, and rugs are common places to find bed bugs. According to the bed bug survey conducted by National Pest Management… Read More…

What Causes Bed Bugs, And How Do They Spread?

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Signs of Pest Infestation

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Integrated Pest Management | Long Term Solutions

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5 Reasons To Hire A Pest Control Expert

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Termite Damage and Home Insurance Risks

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Getting Professional Help For Bed Bug Removal

Bed bugs are a unique and deadly species of a pest. When bed bugs lay their eggs, they can lie dormant for hundreds of years without even manifesting. They are also very notorious to deal with and very hard to eliminate. Once you have bought… Read More…

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Always Hire Professionals to Remove Bed Bugs

It is necessary to hire a company to control bed bugs. Bed bugs are a unique and deadly species of a pest. When bed bugs lay their eggs, they can lie dormant for hundreds of years without even manifesting. They are also very notorious to deal… Read More…

Exterminate Annoying Gnats Today

Gants are very annoying, and they will come into your home uninvited and they will want to hang out there for the whole day just to irritate you. Just like any other insect, gnats are very embarrassing when they hang around. Many people view the… Read More…

Household Pest Control | What Works For You

Little critters, bugs, and eve some of the larger pests can be exceptionally annoying, but once they are inside your home, they tend to be there for good. There are hundreds of thousands of people who are facing the daily struggle of dealing with… Read More…

What You Need to Know About Fumigation

Fumigation is one of the most common methods for dealing with a multitude of small pests. For many home owners pests can be both a bother and an embarrassment, sometimes in equal measure. Fumigation utilizes chemicals known as pesticides in a… Read More…

Top Reason to Get Your House Checked For Pests

It is a fact of life that finding pests can be an embarrassing moment of a home owners life. However, they can happen to anyone at any time, and the sooner they are dealt with the better it is for everyone. Pests also have the ability to be… Read More…

Why Winter Pest Control Is Essential

While it is a fact that the majority of pest clear out with the onset of the cooler winter months, mainly because the low temperatures have an effect on their metabolisms, there are still more than a few reason to maintain pest control vigilance for… Read More…

Organic Pest Control | The Safer Solution?

Most pesticides fall into what we call a category III, which is a fancy way of saying that they will do what we want them too but they shouldn’t hurt many others. However, whenever anyone says the words “shouldn’t” it needs to be… Read More…

Rest Easy Tonight

We’ll get rid of your pests safely,
effectively, and immediately.

(301) 613-6570