Same Day Pest Extermination in Maryland, Virginia & Washington DC

MTB Pest Control will eliminate bed bugs, spiders, insects, fleas, or other creepy crawlers from your home and keep them out !
Sometimes, no matter how clean you keep your home, unwanted pests get in. With MTB Pest Control on your side, you can win the battle of the bugs for good. MTB will quickly identify your home’s problem areas, address any infestations, then safely and effectively eliminate the problem.
With a regular service plan from MTB, you can protect the health of your home and your family !
What bug is this?
Is it a wasp or a hornet? A flea or a bedbug? A flying ant or termite? The first step in bug control is knowing what pest you’re dealing with. We’ve identified the most common household bugs and insects for the tristate area and answered your most common questions here. If you’re unsure of what pest has invaded your home, or need pest control right away, call MTB! We’re available 7 days a week to quickly and safely get your pest or rodent problem under control.
What kind of Ant is this?
Carpenter Ant, Camponotus species
Quick Stats:
1) Color: Black, Red, or a combination
2) Shape: Segmented/oval
3) Size: 1/4-3/4 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Bites can be quite painful and sting
Carpenter Ant Description:
Carpenter Ants typically enter the premises through cracks around doors and windows, holes used for wiring, or through wet or decaying wood. They need a constant water source to survive. If left untreated, they can cause structural damage to your home, your tree, or whatever they have built their colony in. Call MTB for fast identification and eradication of your ant infestation.
Carpenter Ant Prevention:
1) Do not store firewood or building materials near your home or garage
2) Fill all gaps or cracks outside your home with silicone caulk
3) Keep branches near your home trimmed
4) Eliminate standing water or moisture, especially in crawl spaces, attics, and basements.

Odorous House Ant, Tapinoma sessile
Quick Stats:
1) Color: Brown to Black
2) Shape: Segmented/Oval
3) Size: 1/6-1/8 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: They do not sting or bite
Odorous House Ant Description:
Odorous House Ants are most known for the strong, rotten coconut smell they emit when crushed. They eat sweet foods, especially honeydew melons. Indoors you will find them nesting near water sources, usually in wall voids around hot water pipes, heaters, leaking fixtures, under sinks, and termite damaged wood.
Odorous House Ant Prevention:
1) Keep counters and floors free from spills and crumbs
2) Eliminate standing water or leaking water sources
3) Do not store firewood or building materials near your home or garage
4) Seal exterior holes and cracks around the bottom of your house.

Pavement Ant, Tetramoruim caespitum
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Dark Brown to Blackish
2) Shape: Segmented/Oval
3) Size: 1/6- 1/8 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: They can sting and bite
Pavement Ant Description:
Pavement Ants primarily make their nests in cracks and under pavement, however, they can also infest the masonry, walls and insulation of your home or building. Pavement Ants eat almost anything humans do, as well as other insects. When hardware store solutions don’t work, call MTB. We have professional strength solutions to get rid of ants fast!
Pavement Ant Prevention:
1) Trim branches
2) Eliminate Standing Water
3) Keep floors and counters free from food debris
4) Patch holes or cracks in pavement or foundation

What is a Bed Bug?
Bed Bug, Cimex lectularius
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Mahogany to reddish-brown
2) Unfed Shape: Flat, broad oval
3) Fed Shape: Elongated, swollen
4) Size: 1/4 inch long
5) Antennae: Yes
6) Bite: Initially painless followed by itchy red welts
Bed Bug Description:
Bed Bugs are typically centralized in the bedroom; hiding in the creases of mattresses and in bedding. They travel on clothing, in luggage, or other personal belonging near a human food source. They can lay 1-5 eggs a day and live several months without eating. They do not typically carry diseases, but they are a nuisance. Simply vacuuming and washing linens is not enough to eradicate bed bugs. You need a professional service like MTB to first, effectively eliminate bed bugs from your entire house, and then provide regular service to ensure they don’t come back.
Bed Bug Prevention:
1) Change your bed linens frequently and inspect for blood spots and shed bed bug skins
2) When traveling, inspect the room first, especially the mattresses. Keep luggage off beds and away from walls
3) Closely inspect 2nd hand furniture or imported linens and fabrics
4) Seek professional treatment IMMEDIATELY if you suspect infestation.

What kind of Cockroach do I have?
German Cockroach, Blattella germanica (Linnaeus)
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Light brown to tan, has 2 dark stripes near head
2) Shape: Oval
3) Size: 1/2-5/8 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Painful, followed by mild skin reaction
German Cockroach Description:
The German Cockroach is the most common of all cockroach species. Prefer to live near food and water sources, such as kitchens and bathrooms, but can be found anywhere food is consumed and crumbs are left behind. Their droppings resemble coffee grounds. In addition to their reputation for being scary, cockroaches spread bacteria, parasitic worms, and other human pathogens. Their shed skin can cause allergic reactions and exacerbate asthma attacks. Human bites are incidental, as they do not attack humans, they just feed on anything in their path, including soap and toothpaste. It’s nearly impossible to eliminated a cockroach infestation without professional help. Call MTB Pest Control for a safe and effective treatment plan for your cockroach problem.
German Cockroach Prevention:
1) Keep counters, floors, beds clear from food debris
2) Vacuum and remove trash containers frequently
3) Seal cracks and small holes around doors, windows, and foundation

Oriental Cockroach, Blatta orientalis
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Shiny black
2) Shape: Oval
3) Size: 1 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Rare
Oriental Cockroach Description:
Like other cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches carry disease and bacteria that can contaminate counters and floors and potentially infect your home and family. They are generally found outside, but will move inside in hot and dry weather. They look like a beetle and can be found coming out of drains. Oriental Cockroaches are known for their strong, unpleasant odor. It’s nearly impossible to eliminated a cockroach infestation without professional help. Call MTB Pest Control for a safe and effective treatment plan for your cockroach problem.
Oriental Cockroach Prevention:
1) Store food in the refrigerator or in sealed containers
2) Keep counters and floors free from food crumbs
3) Fix all plumbing leaks, eliminate standing water
4) Seal cracks and holes in foundation and install door sweeps

House Cricket, Acheta Domesticus
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Yellowish brown with 3 dark bands on their head
2) Shape: Long, winged
3) Size: 3/4-7/8”
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: No
House Cricket Description:
House Crickets enter your home in winter and can live there indefinitely, if they choose. The loud chirping associated with crickets is caused by rubbing their front wings together and is done to attract females. They typically dine on fabrics and are attracted to clothes soiled with perspiration. In the summer, they sometimes move outdoors near garbage areas.
House Cricket Prevention:
1) Reduce moisture areas in your home
2) Keep lawn mown and gardens weeded
3) Provide ventilation to crawl spaces
4) Change white outdoor lighting to yellow bug lights

How do I get rid of Fleas?
Flea, Siphonaptera
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Dark reddish-brown
2) Shape: Flat
3) Size: 1/2-1/6 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Yes; followed by painful, itchy red bumps
Flea Description:
Fleas live for about 100 days and can produce 400-500 offspring. They move from host to host via rodents and other mammals, as well as on shoes, pant legs, blankets, and other fabrics. In addition to quickly infesting a home, they can transfer tapeworms and cause anemia in pets. The most effective way to get rid of a flea infestation is to call MTB for a professional. Pet-safe extermination.
Flea Prevention:
1) Clean and vacuum frequently to prevent the laying of eggs
2) Keep lawns manicured
3) Keep pets groomed and use the flea prevention treatment of your choice
4) Do not let pets roam in high grass or bushy areas where fleas may be present
5) Inspect pets regularly

How do I get rid of Fleas?
Flea, Siphonaptera
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Dark reddish-brown
2) Shape: Flat
3) Size: 1/2-1/6 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Yes; followed by painful, itchy red bumps
Flea Description:
Fleas live for about 100 days and can produce 400-500 offspring. They move from host to host via rodents and other mammals, as well as on shoes, pant legs, blankets, and other fabrics. In addition to quickly infesting a home, they can transfer tapeworms and cause anemia in pets. The most effective way to get rid of a flea infestation is to call MTB for a professional. Pet-safe extermination.
Flea Prevention:
1) Clean and vacuum frequently to prevent the laying of eggs
2) Keep lawns manicured
3) Keep pets groomed and use the flea prevention treatment of your choice
4) Do not let pets roam in high grass or bushy areas where fleas may be present
5) Inspect pets regularly

Do I have Fruit Flies or Gnats?
Fruit Fly, Drosophila species
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Tan with light abdomen
2) Shape: Small oval
3) Size: 1/8 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: No
Fruit Fly Description:
Fruit flies are typically found around overripe fruits and vegetables that have been stationary for a while, as they feed on decaying matter. Gnats are typically found near bodies of water, like lakes and rivers. Typically there is no need for professional extermination, as the flies will go away once the decaying matter has been removed.
Fruit Fly Prevention:
1) Remove trash daily or keep covered
2) Keep lawns manicured
3) Keep fruits and vegetables refrigerated or rotate often
4) Fruit flies breed in drains, so pour a mixture of 50% white vinegar & 50% boiling water down your drain daily.

Is this a Millipede or a Centipede?
Millipede, Diplopoda
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Millipedes are dark, Centipedes are light
2) Shape: Millipedes look like a worm with up to 400 legs, Centipedes are flat with 15 pairs of legs
3) Size: varies
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Millipedes do not bite, centipedes bite
Millipedes vs Centipedes:
Millipedes and Centipedes are similar in that they have elongated bodies and lot of legs. If you take a closer look, Millipedes have legs that are paired in each body segment (except the first three), while Centipedes have only one leg pair per segment. Millipedes are slow and coil up to protect their legs, while Centipedes will quickly scurry to a hiding place. Millipedes prefer dark damp areas and eat decaying organic material. Centipedes are nocturnal and eat anything. Typically, Millipedes will not nest in your home. They just get in occasionally unless a condition warrants an infestation.
Millipede Prevention:
1) Caulk or seal cracks and openings in foundation and around doors and windows
2) Remove leaves and decaying vegetation from around home
3) Trim vegetation to keep area around your home dry
4) Caul around baseboards
5) Run a dehumidifier in damp areas of your home

How do I get rid of Silverfish and prevent infestation?
Silverfish, Lespisma sacchrina
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Silver to brown
2) Shape: Oval, elongated
3) Size: 3/4 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: No
Silverfish Description:
This silvery insect gets its name because it looks and moves similar to a minnow. It has a silver- metallic skin and appears to swim across the surface like a fish swimming in water. They can be found anywhere in your home, but most often in damp cupboards, bathrooms, and anywhere you store large amounts of paper, wallpaper, book bindings, or envelopes. They may also surprise you in flour or sugar containers that are not airtight. Silverfish typically scatter in light, so they quite often go undetected until major damage is done. Indications you may have a silverfish problem include: yellow stains, small holes, notches, or surface etching along the edges of the infested items. If you see any of those indicators, call MTB right away. Most infestations require a professional extermination service.
Silverfish Prevention:
1) Keep cupboards dry and free from leaks
2) Do not store newspapers or magazines in damp areas such as a basement, attic, or garage
3) Store dry goods in air tight containers
4) Remove or repair moldy or wet wood
5) If you have a shake roof, check it often for silverfish

Is this a Termite or Flying Ant?
Subterranean Termite, Rhinotemitidae
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Creamy white to dark brown/black
2) Shape: Long, narrow, oval
3) Size: 1/8 inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: No
Termites eat constantly- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and an infestation looks like a series of small tunnels in the wood surface. Eliminating them right away is essential to protecting your property. A professional extermination by MTB is required to eradicate a termite problem, as home sprays are ineffective. MTB specializes in termite inspection and termite control.
The “swarmers” look like large, black, flying ants, although they are not good flyers and require wind to travel. They are typically seen traveling in groups in the driest days of spring.
The “solders” have an orange, rectangular armored head with pinchers. They are designed to battle against ants. They protect the active termite tunnels.
Termite Prevention:
1) Move water away from your foundation with properly installed gutters, downspouts, and splash guards
2) Keep crawl spaces, attics, basements, and cupboards dry
3) Keep a minimum 18” gap between your foundation and mulch
4) Store fire wood at least 20 feet from your home
5) Eliminate or reduce moisture around your home
6) Seal any gaps or holes in your foundation or paneling
4 Easy Ways to Prevent Pest Activity on Your Property:
1) Common Household Pests in District Heights & Baltimore MD | MTB Pest Control – 1Seal up holes and gaps around pipes, baseboards, or windows using steel wool, clear caulk, or spray foam.
2) Common Household Pests in District Heights & Baltimore MD | MTB Pest Control – 2Keep pet food in plastic style storage containers. Do not leave it out in the original bag it was purchased in.
3) Common Household Pests in District Heights & Baltimore MD | MTB Pest Control – 3Add topsoil to any low areas in your yard to reduce standing water to help prevent mosquito outbreaks.
4) Common Household Pests in District Heights & Baltimore MD | MTB Pest Control – 4Place small rocks or patio pavers near your foundation before mulching gardens to keep termites away from your home.
“MTB provides residential and commercial pest control services 24 hours a day- even holidays. We’re licensed, bonded, insured, and carry government clearance. From emergency calls to regular service, we handle it all !”