As autumn rolls around, the weather is perfect for taking long hikes and camping outdoors. It is also the harvest season when families enjoy picking out pumpkins and apples fresh off the farm. With all of this outdoor activity, it is little wonder why ticks become more of a danger.
Ticks and Lyme Disease
Throughout the spring and summer, ticks have been feasting on various animals and humans. These parasites have had plenty of opportunities to get infected with Lyme disease. In fact, Lyme disease is 50 percent more prevalent in the fall, while only about 20 percent of ticks have this disease in the summer. Match this increase in Lyme disease with the added outdoor activities of humans, and the conditions are ripe for dangers.
Protect Against Ticks
Rather than spending your entire fall season hidden indoors away from Lyme-diseased ticks, get outside and enjoy life. Just be cautious against ticks by taking some simple steps. Start by using tick repellent that is highly rated to protect you. This repellent should include either lemon and eucalyptus oil or picaridin oil. Both are natural and safe for human use, and equally as effective in protecting against ticks. If you have pets, especially dogs who are present with you during fall activities, make sure they have visited the vet recently for parasite control.
Identify Signs of Lyme Disease
Every time you come in from outdoors this fall, do a quick tick check. If you see a tick, grab a pair of tweezers and fully remove this insect as soon as possible. Clean the area of the tick bite thoroughly to reduce the instance of contracting any disease. Then be on the look out for a Lyme disease rash. This will look like a bull’s-eye, all red and blotchy. If you have symptoms of Lyme disease, such as a headache, nausea, joint pain, muscle aches, or fatigue, seek medical attention immediately. If left untreated, Lyme disease can cause cognitive decline and other neurological problems.