Although bed bug problems that we tend to hear about most often involve a hotel or a dorm, apartment building, or a senior living facility, the truth is bed bugs can be found in even the most well-kept conditions. They favor temperate and tropical climates. Their typical hiding places are seams and crevices in mattresses, headboards, box springs, bed frames, old furniture, under baseboards and behind loose wallpaper. They are also more likely to be found in cluttered spaces. One of the biggest problems with bedbugs is that they have the ability to travel on luggage, used mattresses, other furniture, and even clothing. Although most associate bed bugs with unsanitary living conditions, bedbugs can also manifest and spread in clean, organized living quarters and even five-star resorts.
How does an infestation occur?
Bedbugs are small and flat making it easy for them to hide. You don’t necessarily have to see bed bugs in order to have an infestation. Bed bugs leave brown to black stains or even blood if they are squashed. An infestation can occur from only one fertile female who can produce up to 500 healthy eggs in her lifetime and can lay anywhere from 2-5 eggs per day.
Bedbug infestations have grown as of late due to a handful of reasons, including dense urban living conditions, an increase in international travel and pest control methods that have become ineffective.
How do you get bed bugs?
Bed bugs are known as “hitchhikers”. They like to jump onto your luggage, your clothes, or even a person. Once bed bugs begin to manifest and multiply, it is hard to get rid of them. Early detection is the best prevention of infestation. If you suspect that you might have bed bugs, have a professional come out and inspect for and treat bed bug problems.