What happens to pests during winter?
Bears go into hibernation when it gets cold. Birds migrate south, and humans layer up by the fire to keep warm in the winter months. What happens to termites, ants, and mosquitoes? While many people believe they die, the truth is that termites and other insects have strategies to survive the winter. Find out how pests can survive harsh weather conditions.
It’s not often that you see an army of ants marching over the kitchen counter in winter. They are still very close to us, however. Even in our backyards, overwintering in the great outdoors is a familiar feat for ants. They eat a lot of food in the fall to become fat enough to live for several weeks without eating. Their body temperature and productivity decrease as the winter chill approach. They seal up their colonies and hide under rocks or in deep soil until spring. When the temperature rises, the ants will be ready to take over their overwintering areas and shop at the next backyard barbecue.